AV Connections, Inc. NC presentation services were hard at work this week for the Wake Technical Community College mid-year graduation commencement ceremonies. AV Connections, Inc. provided all the AV NC presentation technology for this event held at the Benton Conference Center in Winston-Salem, NC. We are pleased to be the AV company to handle AV for multiple graduations each year of Wake Tech.
Wake Tech is the largest of NC’s 50 community college systems. It was recently identified as the second fastest growing community college in the United States. Online registration has doubled in the past five years and is expected to double again the coming five years. It is truly a remarkable school system and we are pleased to serve it with NC AV presentation services for all the school’s joint graduation each year.
Wake Tech offers programs in a vast array of technical areas including our own, as well as graduates, in a different ceremony each semester, high school equivalencies as well. Wake Tech is North Carolina’s largest community college and supports 70,000 students. Across five campuses, Wake Tech offers 180 degree and diploma programs. All of the December degree programs graduated at this event. Such exciting beginnings for these graduates who saw through their degrees to completion. Wake Tech’s is important work which are pleased to help them wrap up with graduation ceremonies each semester.
More news on Wake Tech’s commencement exercises can be found here in Wake Tech News.